
Quality Silage

In light of the current fodder situation, many farmers may be tempted to put the focus back on making bulk versus quality silage this year. However, the difference between good and bad silage quality can mean the requirement of 2-3 kgs of extra ration per animal each day.

Quality silage starts with quality grass cut at the correct growth stage to optimise digestibility and yield. A fast cool fermentation is crucial in order to preserve the quality of grass being ensiled and minimise losses from heat and dry matter. It is important to remember that this is lost energy that would otherwise be utilised by the animal at feedout, leading to greater production and feed efficiency.

According to Agritech’s Sales Director John Kenny “the aim of preservation is to retain silage quality as close as possible to the grass being harvested and avoid unnecessary ensiling losses”. He adds “having spoken to many Irish farmers across the country, it is evident that there is a renewed interest in quality silage and additive usage”. While much debate has taken place over the role and value of silage additives, research has proven that there are substantial benefits from applying an appropriate additive. A good silage additive will reduce oxygen and increase acidity rapidly, so that lactic acid bacteria grow to stabilize and preserve the forage to its full potential.


GrasZyme Sugarboost

Agritech’s GrasZyme SugarBoost Forage Additive has long proven itself as an effective silage preservation aid. The technology used in the additive has been scientifically proven to reduce unnecessary plant breakdown and ensure reliability even in difficult low sugar conditions. Independent trials have shown that in a 500t clamp, GrasZyme Sugarboost retains an extra 30 tonnes of silage. In addition, a reduction in ensiling dry matter losses of 6.1% were also reported from these trials.


Improved Animal Performance

GrasZyme Sugarboost has been developed with accelerated fermentation and animal performance as the primary focus which is dependent on effective grass preservation. GrasZyme Sugarboost has a proven track record in achieving this as it has undergone numerous trials on dairy and beef farms throughout Ireland and the UK, which have shown daily milk yield increases of 1litre, a 0.09% increase in milk protein and 110grams extra daily live weight gain. According to John, “the ultimate aim from the use of an additive is to enhance animal performance, deliver more milk and live weight gain at feedout and increase farm profitability”.

For more information, contact your local Agritech distributor at www.agritech.ie/find-a-distributor





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