Since making the switch to dairy farming, Co. Roscommon farmer, Enda Doran believes that following an autumn reseeding plan which focuses on soil fertility and using grass seed of the highest quality has been a major contributing factor into achieving a successful and profitable dairy business.

Located in Kilbegly, Co. Roscommon, Enda runs a spring calving, grass based dairy farm of 140 British-Friesian Holstein cross cows, having converted from sheep and suckler farming in 2016.   

In the video below, Enda outlines the key traits that he looks out for in a grass seed mixture and why selecting the most suitable one for his farm has given him the best return on investment:

Selecting the right grass seed mixture

According to Enda’s local Agritech Sales Representative, Melissa Kelly, “Farmers are increasingly recognising the benefits of reseeding with good quality grass seed. However, in order to get the biggest return on investment, it’s critical that you choose the most suitable grass seed mixture for your own individual system.

“At Agritech, our Tipperary Grass Seed Range has a mixture to suit every requirement, whether that is intensive grazing, cutting, zero-grazing or overseeding. For Enda, Tipperary Grass 4A was chosen as the most suitable mixture as it successfully encompasses all of the key traits that he looks for in a grass seed mixture; high digestibility, palatability and a good inclusion of clover.” 

Tipperary Grass Seed – GroQuik® Benefits

What makes the Tipperary Grass Seed range unique is that every mixture is treated with a biological seed stimulant called, GroQuik®, which accelerates germination and especially root growth in both grasses and clover. The application of GroQuik® is especially beneficial to clover establishment as it has a more extensive and complicated root structure.

Recent on farm experiments have highlighted the benefits of an improved root structure by comparing dressed and non-dressed grass mixture plots. Despite both plots receiving the same management in the same field at the same time, it was found that dressed plots showed a significant increase in herbage yield compared to the non-dressed plots.

Melissa concludes, “Going forward, seed stimulants such as GroQuik® will play a vital role in improving herbage output. Seedling establishment has improved significantly for Enda with results seen just one week after sowing. The benefits of GroQuik®, can also be seen for years after sowing, with older sown paddocks still producing high yields for Enda.”

Autumn Reseeding Tips

On the same day we met with Enda, Melissa Kelly also outlined what she attributes as top tips when reseeding this autumn:

For further advice on autumn reseeding or to choose a suitable grass seed mixture from the Tipperary Grass Seed Range, contact your local Agritech sales rep/distributor or click here.

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