by Agritech | 5th Dec 2018 | Blog, News
Following on from a successful show at EuroTier 2018, we are delighted to be back on home soil for the return of the Royal Ulster Winter Fair...
by Agritech | 3rd Dec 2018 | Blog, News
As we approach Christmas and the days shorten, the majority of stock are now housed for the winter months to allow grass pastures to rest...
by Agritech | 21st Nov 2018 | Blog, News
We were delighted to announce a new export deal at EuroTier in Hannover, Germany. Following the successful launch of our Ruminant products to the...
by Agritech | 6th Nov 2018 | Blog, News
As the days get shorter and grass growth comes to a stop, our attention now turns to forage supply for the coming winter months. With unpredictable...
by Agritech | 19th Oct 2018 | Blog, News
We are delighted to announce that we will be exhibiting at Eurotier 2018, which takes place on November 13th to 16th in Hanover, Germany....
by Agritech | 11th Oct 2018 | Blog, News
It is safe to say that 2018 will go down as one of the most challenging years for farmers across the country. Thankfully, we have reached a point...
by Agritech | 10th Sep 2018 | Blog, News
Grass that is currently returning to growth after the drought is extremely lush and low in fibre. As a result, Sub-Acute Rumen Acidosis is likely to...
by Agritech | 1st Aug 2018 | Blog, News
2018 is proving to be a challenging year for highly stocked farms across the country with many farmers expressing fodder concerns already. In order...
by Agritech | 19th Jul 2018 | Blog, News
Moisture deficits are evident, grass growth has come to a halt and many farmers have been forced to utilise their winter forage stocks. As feed...
by Agritech | 12th Jun 2018 | Blog, News
As we move through an exceptional spell of weather, when farm work is getting done in a timely fashion and grass growth is at record levels, the key...
by Agritech | 16th May 2018 | Blog, News
. Quality Silage In light of the current fodder situation, many farmers may be tempted to put the focus back on making bulk versus quality silage...
by Agritech | 19th Apr 2018 | Blog, News
Increased stocking rates particularly on dairy farms has meant that herbage output is more critical now than ever before to ensure animals are fully...