In intensively fed animals, there is a constant challenge to juggle the balance between optimising milk and meat output in the most economical way, while maintaining optimum rumen health. It is vital that the rumen environment is maintained in a healthy state to avoid the occurrence of issues such as indigestion, lameness and acidosis. A high-quality rumen buffer will not only help avoid problems like acidosis, but it will also improve feed efficiency, optimise the rumen environment and maximise the return from your winter ration.

Feeding an appropriate rumen buffer plays a valuable role for Meath farmer, Ger Rispin who operates a beef and tillage enterprise. All animals on the farm are continental and are bought in as forward stores. All cattle are fed for a minimum of 60 days and are slaughtered no later than 150 days. Ger takes pride in feeding his cattle predominantly home-grown ingredients. The diet comprises of maize silage, fodder beet, first cut grass silage and straw, with a small level of meal supplementation.

Ger has been using the Rumicare Phased Release Buffer for the last 5 years having experienced both lameness and digestive upsets with his bulls. In the video below, Ger alongside his local Sales Advisor, Brian Flynn, discuss the importance of maintaining good rumen health and the benefits of incorporating Rumicare into the diet of his animals.



Rumicare – Why it’s the best option

Agritech’s Rumicare is a phased release buffer and is available as Rumicare Beef and Rumicare Dairy.

Rumicare contains a unique blend of buffers that each have their own mode of action and different speeds of breakdown (phased release) within the rumen. The combination of ingredients maintains a more desirable pH within the rumen at critical times throughout each 24-hour period.

Rumicare works on two different fronts in the fight against SARA. It directly neutralises rumen pH through its alkaline properties, while the added yeast also acts as a natural buffer by enhancing rumen bacterial growth.

This combination of buffers and yeast has long been shown to gel very well together. Rumicare is a unique supplement unmatched both in terms of ingredients and results.

Rumicare also smoothens transition diets with less setbacks and less displaced abomasums. Another added bonus of Rumicare is that it provides a very good level of calcium and magnesium, which is particularly important for the lactating dairy cow in early lactation.


More Information

For further information, contact your local Agritech Sales Advisor or click to learn more about our Rumicare Phased Release Buffer.


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