Grass is the cheapest energy source available for all farm livestock. Pastures can lose quality as they get older, and maintaining a high percentage of perennial ryegrass is crucial in order to maximise output from the forage. Following reseeding you will have a better sward composition, improved sward density with increased dry matter yield and feeding values.
Reseeded swards are more productive
- Yields from newly reseeded perennial ryegrass swards will give 2.7t DM/ha more than a 15% perennial ryegrass sward.
- Higher yields particularly in the spring period.
- Over a period of years the % of sown perennial ryegrass will reduce year by year with a gradual reduction in the early years but after 4-5 years the ingress of weed grasses is more rapid.
- Swards with less than 40% perennial ryegrass should be reseeded.
- Perennial ryegrass in the most responsive species in the sward to the application of nitrogen compared with less than 50% with weed species.
- Optimum performance and increased profits.
- The higher the perennial ryegrass % the greater the digestibility.
- Greater palatability.
- Higher intakes & more efficient feed conversion.
- 1 unit increase in DOMD will increase DMI by 0.2kg/cow/day and milk yield by 0.4litres/cow/day.
Note: DOMD is Dry Organic Matter Digestibility.
Browse our website to read more about our grass seed mixtures or download our Agritech-NI Grass Seed Brochure (2MB).
To buy our Tipperary Grass Seed range, contact your local distributor.