by Agritech | 2nd Aug 2022 | Blog, News
For many, autumn reseeding is the preferred option, due to reduced pressure on grass availability, increased availability of grazing ground after...
by Agritech | 5th Aug 2021 | Blog, News
Due to the inclement weather conditions across many regions in May and dry conditions in June, spring reseeding plans in some cases were postponed....
by Agritech | 16th Jun 2021 | Blog, News
In recent years, multi-species swards have become increasingly popular amongst farmers in Ireland due to their ability to produce high yields of...
by Agritech | 16th Jul 2020 | Blog, News
With grass a key ingredient on livestock farms, reseeding is the most important factor for overall farm profitability as replacing old or...
by Agritech | 14th Aug 2019 | Blog, News
Grass is still the easiest crop to grow in Ireland and gives substantial benefits year after year in Irish conditions, with yields of 20 tonne DM/ha...
by Agritech | 17th Jul 2019 | Blog, News
Increased stocking rates particularly on dairy farms has meant that herbage output is more critical now than ever before. The recent Teagasc...
by Agritech | 20th May 2019 | Blog, News
Reseeding is an expensive investment which can deliver excellent returns. When we decide to reseed a field, it is natural to want to get something...
by Agritech | 14th Mar 2019 | Blog, News
Now is an appropriate time to put a plan in place and identify fields that should be targeted for reseeding. Grass is the cheapest way to feed...
by Agritech | 12th Jun 2018 | Blog, News
As we move through an exceptional spell of weather, when farm work is getting done in a timely fashion and grass growth is at record levels, the key...
by Agritech | 19th Apr 2018 | Blog, News
Increased stocking rates particularly on dairy farms has meant that herbage output is more critical now than ever before to ensure animals are fully...
by Agritech | 9th May 2016 | Blog, Grass Seed, News, Products
On Thursday May 12th, Agritech are delighted to be attending one of Ireland’s biennial national grassland technology events, FTMTA Grass and Muck...
by Agritech | 3rd May 2016 | Blog, Grass Seed, News, Products
Horses are extremely tight grazers of grass and the mixture composition should take account of this. Sward density, hard wearing, and an even...