by Agritech | 18th Sep 2018 | Blog, Featured
Maize silage offers both dairy and beef farmers an opportunity to increase animal performance from home grown forage. Milking cows that are...
by Agritech | 10th Sep 2018 | Blog, News
Grass that is currently returning to growth after the drought is extremely lush and low in fibre. As a result, Sub-Acute Rumen Acidosis is likely to...
by Agritech | 1st Aug 2018 | Blog, News
2018 is proving to be a challenging year for highly stocked farms across the country with many farmers expressing fodder concerns already. In order...
by Agritech | 19th Jul 2018 | Blog, News
Moisture deficits are evident, grass growth has come to a halt and many farmers have been forced to utilise their winter forage stocks. As feed...
by Agritech | 12th Jun 2018 | Blog, News
As we move through an exceptional spell of weather, when farm work is getting done in a timely fashion and grass growth is at record levels, the key...
by Agritech | 16th May 2018 | Blog, News
. Quality Silage In light of the current fodder situation, many farmers may be tempted to put the focus back on making bulk versus quality silage...
by Agritech | 19th Apr 2018 | Blog, News
Increased stocking rates particularly on dairy farms has meant that herbage output is more critical now than ever before to ensure animals are fully...
by Agritech | 15th Mar 2018 | Blog, News
The recent release of the Recommended List and the Pasture Profit Index (PPI) of grass varieties for 2018 shows a change in the order of merit of...
by Agritech | 20th Feb 2018 | Featured, News
The three weeks before and after calving are the most critical period in the production cycle of the dairy cow. The modern dairy cow is genetically...
by Agritech | 11th Jan 2018 | Blog, Featured, News
Quality ingredients in calf milk replacer can have a huge influence in optimising the performance and growth rate of calves. Highly digestible...
by Agritech | 12th Dec 2017 | News
While December is the month with the lightest workload of the winter period, there are a number of key tasks that farmers must address before...
by Agritech | 15th Nov 2017 | News
While we are all aware that animals need to be fed adequately while indoors, it has been found that winter feeding programs rarely go beyond...